Annual General Meetings
Under the Swedish Companies Act, the General Meeting is the company’s highest decision-making body.
At the General Meeting, shareholders exercise their voting rights in key issues, such as adoption of income statements and balance sheets, appropriation of the company’s profit or loss, discharge from liability of members of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer, election of members of the Board of Directors and auditor, as well as remuneration to the Board of Directors and the auditors.
The Annual General Meeting shall be held annually within six months of the end of the financial year. In addition to the Annual General Meeting, an Extraordinary General Meeting may also be convened. Notice of both the Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting should be published in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar (Official Swedish Gazette) and on Arla Plast’s website. Information that notice has been given shall also be announced in Dagens Industri. The General Meetings will take place in Borensberg or in Stockholm.
Right to attend General Meetings
To attend and vote at General Meetings, either in person or through a proxy, shareholders must be registered in the company’s share register, maintained by Euroclear Sweden, on the record date (which is determined in accordance with the Swedish Companies Act) and notify the company of their intention to attend the General Meeting no later than on the date specified in the notice of the meeting. Shareholders may bring one or two assistants to the General Meeting, but only provided that the shareholder notifies the company of the number of assistants attending in accordance with the procedure described above.
In the Notice to the General Meeting one will be able to find how to notify the company of the intention to attend the General Meeting.
Shareholder initiatives
Shareholders who wish to have a matter brought before the General Meeting must submit a written request to the Board of Directors. Each shareholder of the company who submits a matter well in advance has the right to have the matter brought before the General Meeting.